Andon is one smart little guy. The other morning he came up to me and said, Mama, remember that mummy exhibit at the museum they showed on TV. Can we go? He was sad they closed. He then went on to say...Do you know how mummys are made? Scientists wrap skeletons in toliet paper. He is such a comedian.
He usually crawls out of bed 5-6 times a night and runs in the livingroom. When he sees were about to tell him to get back to bed he says he's just out to give hugs and kisses. Well how can we refuse those. Last night he came out and said......Mama, when dogs bark during storms that means they are trying to communicate right? He has such a vocabulary!!! He is super excited about kindergarten. I'm pretty nervous about him taking the bus but he is so excited. They will drop him off and pick him up at our driveway. His first day we are going to let him ride the bus and meet him at school so he gets the swing of it (and I think to make sure I'm ok with it...hahaha).
The other day I was going to get a spray tan after work. Andon came downstairs when I was working and asked if he could go along. Before I could answer he says......if the guy asks how old I am just tell him I'm 18. Of course I let him go with me after that. How could I say no. He's such a boy yet he has a soft side to him. One day he was hanging out at his grandmas with his cousins. We had somewhere to go so we dropped Weston off on our way. When I walked in Andon just starred at me and was smiling. I walked over by him and he hugged me and touched my shirt saying...I really like your shirt and I love your lipstick. All these little things make it so hard to see him grow up. He's an amazing little boy.
We went to the mall the other day and Andon wanted to adopt a butterfly so bad. So we did, we check on them everyday. I think one caterpillar is dead but Andon keeps saying he's sleeping. I sure hope he is. He named them after his cousins Alexa and Big AJ ;o) We will have to bring these little suckers camping at Yogi Bear this weekend because they will be ready to go in their cage now and turn in to a cacoon. At least this is alot easier than adopting a cat like he originally wanted ;o)
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