Friday, November 27, 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Andon went pheasant hunting yesterday and had a fun time! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Who needs toys when you can play with your brothers face and sing jingle bells batman smells. ;)

The boys stopped to see Santa and his finger lit up if they were good. ;) 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

We can't seem to finish this book because Wes won't stop laughing so hard that the word BUT is in the book. 
Andon just made The Lockness Snow Monster :) 

First snowfall this year. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Andon and Kevin went duck hunting this morning. 

And these two slept in ;)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Weston was bustin a move at the Admirals game (school field trip). 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

I went on a walk with the boys. Wes is so competitive and wants to win all the time even though we didn't race ;) Had fun raking and burning leaves with them until the ditched me. Haha. Andon wheeled one load and called it quits. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Even though we went to the movies today the boys wanted a movie night. 

We have a nodder. Wes got to go to his first Kids Night Out at the YMCA with all the big kids last night. I think all the playing and swimming tuckered him out. 
I can sleep anywhere. 
Ahhhh much better....

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Yesterday I got a call from the school nurse asking if they could put popcorn oil in Andon's hair and cut it :/ His friend thought it was funny to stick gum to the top of his head and it stuck to his scalp. 
Then we get to the mall and I kept giving Andon breath mints thinking he had some stinky breath. Come to find out his head smelled from the popcorn oil. 
We then head up the escalator and I was walking in front of Andon. His shoe lace gets caught at the top. We almost gave an older lady a heart attack. 
Then we ate and Andon are his meal and half of mine and then got a Cinnabon. I went home hungry but Andon was happy :) As we were leaving a cute older girl was smiling looking at Andon. So I told him...that girl was totally checking you out!  He cheesed and replied...I bet she wouldn't of if she knew I had gum in my hair 5 hrs ago. Then we went home and snuggled and waited for Wes to get home from wrestling sign up. We had a fun night and fun conversations. Andon is such an interesting child ;)