Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!  I was in the shower and Weston ran in to tell me he had a mustache. Shortly after Andon runs in with a sharpie marker in his hands. Ooooops! I should of put that away when I was done. Hehe. Cutie pies. We are so thankful for these boys!! 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wes and his friend Alyssa at Jump Zone. He shared his Spider-man ice cream with her. They are SO cute together. When we left she put her arm around him and walked him to his car. 
Andon loves to play with the deer legs. Lol (11/13)
Wes has to take his goosebumps books everywhere. What a stinker. For Christmas he wants new goosebumps books, gogurt and lucky charms. Too funny. 
Ya...I have to accept these boys will never let us take a "nice" picture. Hehe. But this is how we are :0) I have no idea how I would do with a girl. I'm made for boys. Hehe. 
Fell asleep with grandpa watching ghost stories ;)
It was a night if horsey rides!