Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Andon saved all of his birthday money for Black Friday. He's been so excited. He asked to make a note on the calendar ;0)

The boys reading Goosebumps together Saturday morning. Cutie pies!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Our little helper. Wes wanted to help insulate our attic.
The boys jumping on our bed. Wes is under the laundry basket. Haha.
And on addressed letter to the North Pole. How sweet is this. I can't find the thing he asked for anywhere either :/

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hello silly Wes!
My little butterball!
Andon started Tae Kwon Do this past Friday. This picture was taken the day after. He wanted to wear the top out so he could look cool. Haha.
Little Buddies.
Last weekend we took the dogs and boys out to some public hunting land. They brought their toy guns.
Are they the cutest ever or what!! They are loved to the moon and back! They make us so happy and so proud everyday! Andon is talking up a storm lately. We're so amazed at how much he's talking and how independent he is. He has to do everything himself. Andon on the other hand still wants us to so alot for him :O) We're working on doing stuff on his own but I don't mind it. I'm loving giving the mama help while I can :O) Andon came home and drew a picture of a skyland her wants really bad. He then wrote a letter to Santa all on his own. I almost cried watching him...I was so proud of him! Then he addressed the envelope all by himself. He's really trying to sound out what he's writing and tries making sentences on his own! Great job Andon! Keep up the good work! We are so proud of you peanut!
Weston had been trying to go potty on the toliet. He mostly wants to go when he sees Andon go. He hasn't actually gone on the toliet but he likes sitting on it. A few times we caught him with no diaper. He hides and rips it off and then pulls his pants back up. We let him wear underwear in the evenings when were home. So far peed on Lightening McQueen so we had to put him throw the carwash and wash him up. Then he tried so hard not to pee on his "guys" but he did on accident. He calls all the super hero figures his guys....he carries them around in his bag everywhere we go. So cute. Both boys always have to have something with them like that.

Andon saw these teeth at  Harvetfest so we had to find a pumpkin to fit them. He did a great job putting the teeth in and carving it. (10/12, 6 yrs old)
Weston and his pumpkin. Its hard to see the red marker all over it :O) Andon said it was scary because that was blood...hahaha (10/12, 2yrs old)
Camping, it's Big AJ and Little AJ.....Andon always wants to be Big AJ....too cute! This year Andon hung out with the older kids more. Where does time go......he's already telling me he's almost 7 now...haha (10/12)
Weston camping (10/12). He LOVES his suckers! He did such a great job trick or treating this year. I had to laugh because he can never just take one when people leave the bowls out....little stinker