Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I can't believe Weston is TWO!!! What a big boy! He had a great party and lots of fun. We took all these pictures and I went to go look at them and realized I  never put the chip back in the camera. Im soooo bummed! Andon made Weston a little cake all by himself on his actual  bday. We had a party on the day after with family. Andon was so cute too! He came up and asked if he could do everything. Half way through he says....well....this is something good so good karma will come my way right? OMG I love him. He is so darn cute!!! Well good karma did come his way because the next day we went to Kevins Godchilds confirmation and he fell in love....haha. Michelle told him that they should marry people their own ages though. So on our way home Andon says to us....I sure hope Michelle doesn't get lonely waiting for me to get to her age. :O)

Weston is talking up a storm lately. He's putting words together to make sentences :O) Andon is sooo excited that he is getting bigger. I sang Happy Birthday to Weston when he woke up. Andon leans over the top bunk and says.....How long are his legs now? He wants him to be a "kid" so bad. Watching them play together makes me so happy. They are such  buddies and it's adorable.

Andon just had his last soccer game on Monday night. He got a trophy and is so proud of himself. He told us it was for all his efforts  :O)  He wants to join T-ball now which starts June 13th. We are so excited he's taking a interest in sports now. Weston hung out at the game with his new bubble maker he got for his bday. All the girls swarmed him to goo over him and catch bubbles. He was laughing and in heaven.

The boys have three pet toads right now that they caught with Grandpa Russ. Andon even went to the pet store to buy crickets after school to feed them. We will have to let them go soon so they can be with their friends and families. Maybe we can catch more again. Those pics were taken when I thought I had a chip. I will have to get some more pics, It's so funny when Wes holds them. One of their names is sharkbait.....guess who named them...hahaha.

This weekend the boys are going to go by Grandma Chars. Her neighbor is going to land a helicopter in the yard and propose to his girlfriend. They are soooo excited to see the helicopter! (oh ....and go to chocolate fest again in the  big gerbil balls ;o) )

Hope all is well with everyone!!  We can't wait for summer....camping, swimming, vacation and lots of fun!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

My little buddy! He only gives hugs and stuff when no other kids are embarrassing ya know....hahahaha
How cute is this?!
Wes playing in the corn!
Feeding the goats :O)
Handsome little peacock!!! ~ Busy Barn Farm
Mothers Day 2012 - We took the kids to Busy Barn Farm. They love it there! We went down slides, fed the goats, pet the animals, the boys both loved the bunnies, played, face painting, roasted marshmellows.
The boys in  Lightening McQueens trailer!  (Andon 5 1/2, Weston almost 2)
Grandma made Wes his shirt. It was little compartments to carry his cars in!
 Saturday, May 12, 2012. 
We went to the car show to see Lightening McQueen!!!! Weston was in heaven! He loves cars. 
He even loves to watch the races on TV. Andon on the other hand said.....ok...we saw one car now lets go!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

We love you boys more than words can say! You mean the world to us and we are so blessed to have you in our lives!!! We are so thankful for Chloe and Amanda and their selfless hearts. You girls made the toughest decision of your lives and we are so glad you chose us to be part of it. We love you for what you have done for these amazing boys. They are such bright happy kids! They will always know how loved and special they are! xoxoxo!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weston kept jumping on the flag at soccer. He  made quite a show :O) 5/7/12
Here is Andon playing soccer on his feet. He's usually falling over..hahaha
Weston sat on the sidelines of Andon soccer game having some cheese puffs (one of his favs). He even cheered. GO GO GO!!!
5/2012 Today was Andons soccer pictures. He wanted dark hair so that he could look like Shark Boy. I guess it will be a picture to remember  :O)  He's still cuter than ever! He kept asking all the I look different?