Monday, November 28, 2011

Boys being boys.....what big muscles!!
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for!! These amazing boys are the center of our lives and make us so happy!!! We are so grateful....everyday!!  Andon likes to be wrapped up like a snug bug in a "rug". When Kevin was done he kissed him. Then Weston kept kissing him too. It was too cute! They play together all the time now. Andon wants bunk beds so bad so I told him then they would have to share a room. He said...ok...but when Weston is 2 because then he'll be a toddler. We will have to put Weston in a bed soon because I think he's pretty close to being able to crawl out of his crib. He's such a monkey.
Watching youtube together. Andon is really into the video  ;o)  (Andon 5, Wes 18mos)
Wes is the dancer of the family. Everytime he hears music he goes to town dancing. He's so funny with his shoulder moves. He really gets into it.
Andon loves to watch toy reviews on youtube. Recently he started letting me record them and wants me to all the time. Before I would catch him doing them and he would get to embarassed. This is one of my favorites. I love when he best pop this open. He's such a creative kid.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Weston having fun at the camp fire (10/14/11, Pride of America Campground)
Andon with Gina's birthmom (Donna) when we were camping. (10/14/11)
I got my first big boy cup at McDonalds. I love to drink out of straws like all the big kids. I also love to steal a bun off of mamas burger. I love bread!!!
Fish eyes. We got a new camera and were playing with it. Andon thought this was sooo funny.
11/8/11 Today Wes gave grandpa a fat bloody lip again. Just in time for him to go to his dentist appt. Weston is in the stage of throwing things and grandpa seems to be the target. Today it was a block and the other day it was a car. We're working on that ;o) Last night I was wrestling with Andon and Weston was laughing hysterically. He decided to help his brother out and keep chucking his nuk at me. Silly boy. Those boys love to wrestle!! It's so cute that Andon is taking Weston under his wing now. He actually said he would like 100 more brothers...hahaha. Weston makes our dinners so much fun. He sure lights up the room. He's always smiling/laughing. It's so cute that he copies everything his big brother does. We are looking forward to Christmas this year w ith the boys. Weston will really be into it I think. I'm curious to see what he will do with Santa this year. Last year he didn't make anything of it. He was still the best Christmas present ever!!! Both of the boys are. We are so thankful we have them in our lives. They so speical to so many people.

11/7/11 This morning I was getting Andons backpack/thermos ready for school and I gave him clean clothes and clean underwear. I told him to make sure he changed his underwear. He came home and dropped his pants right away for grandpa. Oooops, he wore two pair of underwear to school. He put the clean ones right over the dirty ones. He's done that before. Too funny! I bet he was waiting all day to get home and take a pair off.
Tomorrow report cards come out. Andons first real report card ;o) Conferences are Thursday so this should be interesting. They get sent home with yellow slips if they do something they shouldn't and red is "really naughty" as Andon would say. Well so far this year Andon has had 5. Some of them are rediculous. While we appreciate the teacher telling us we don't beleive he should get in trouble again at home after getting in trouble at school. We do talk about them and what was wrong. The other day he got one because they were sorting m & m's and he put some in his pocket. When the teacher asked him he said he didn't know they were in his pocket. So we got a note home saying that he was lying. I was a little defensive of her calling him a "liar". I don't understand why you would let 4 and 5 year olds count m & m's and not eat them?? Two other kids didn't get caught so Andon couldn't understand why he got caught and they didn't. I ended up emailing the teacher about it and we have to discuss it at conferences. Poor Andon ran in the house and said....hold on...I have to throw something away before you look in my back pack. Rotflmao. It was funny. They are starting to affect him negativly and he's not liking school. Then he came home with a "white slip" and he was sooo excited that he got a "white slip". He's like...hurry up and read it....he was soooo proud. How could I tell him it was just a line he had to memorize for school....hehehe. I think the yellow slips are overused in his class. He got another one for yelling in the hall because there were spiders for halloween decorations. We just reminded him not to talk in the hall. Today he wanted to go to school looking like shark boy so I geled his hair standing up all over. Hopefully mama doesn't get a yellow slip for that....hahahaha. Hopefully the teacher will let up a little on these slips. These kids are too little to dislike school. At least send them a good slip once in a while then. I can picture Andon figuring out to get rid of them on the bus before he gets home...hahaha. He's so smart. He's always been ahead of all the other kids. He may not be the best in art and working on writing but he's sure a smart kid!! Handsome little stinker too!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Boys will be boys. We have wrestling matches most nights with the whole family :O) It's so fun. Wes is starting to get the upper hand lately with Andon. It's too cute.
Bathtime fun! They usually soak the floor  :O) (10/2011)
Uh oh!! (10/25/11)
These two are attatched at the hip from day one. They sleep together every night  ;o) (10/28/11)
Was I not suppose to hop in the tub with my clothes on and daddys flashlight?? I took my shoes off at least.  (10/30/11)
Our little librarian on the hayride. (9/2011)
Andon hanging out picking apples :O)  He's such a happy boy!!! Cute one too :O)  (9/2011)
The kids at the apple orchard. Apple picking was so much fun. I'm not sure why the picture won't turn. (9/2011)
What a bunch of handsome little guys. They play so nice together now. Well they wrestle like crazy but they both love every minute. It's so cute to watch them bond now. They are definately buddies. Weston copies everything Andon does. It's hilarious!! (10/2011)
Wes didn't feel so good so I stayed home with him. We had to run to the store for some tylenol and a few things. He kept putting his blanket on his head if we got near the freezer section. awwww...cutie.
Andons cousins slept over after his bday party at the house. We carved pumpkins and made a mess. I had made angry bird balloons but they sank after I put tape on them. So we sucked out the helium and his cousins put the angry bird faces on theirs  :O)  Wes didn't make it up to the pumpkin part of the night.
Wes LOVES cars. He even loves reading daddys car magazines  ;o) (10/2011)
Wes shared his brothers morning birthday cupcake (10/8/11)
Andon after he got out of bed on his birthday. We sang Happy Birthday!! (10/8/11)
Andon had his 5th birthday at Chuck E. Cheese and had a blast. His favorite part he said was the ticket blast booth and when Uncle Vinny came. He won over 800 tickets and got a angry bird and slinky he destroyed in minutes  ;o) I can't believe our little man is 5. He was starting to get a cold and told us his voice was changing because he was 5. Then asked us to start calling him Fred. What a character!!
We took our cute little doggie trick or treating with us this year :O) (Wes, 17mos, 10/30/11). He didn't care about the candy. One house had one of those little kids bubble cars. Well Wes tried to get in and take it for a ride. Too cute.
Andon was The Beast from Wolverine for Trick or Treat. We went trick or treating with his cousin and had a fun time. We were able to get out there before the rain came. (10/30/11, 5yrs old)
Weston with his cousin Alexa at the pumpkin farm. He likes to say....ohhhhhhh alot. (17 mos - 10/2011)
Andon and his cousin AJ at the pumpkin farm (10/22/11)  We had so much fun.