Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Weston getting ready to go for a boat ride on the Pestigo River for the first time. (7/11)
Funny how this life jacket fits our 26 lb 1yr old and our 31 lb 4yr old. Too funny. Wes is catching up fast!!
Andon caught a Northern about 20-22". We let it go. He was so excited. He needed help reeling it in ;o)
Grandma the Great with the great grandkids (from Gina's side). Crivitz 7/2011
Our little beach boy Wes (6/11)
Andon and Kevin swimming at the little lake by our house in June 2011. Next time we will have to get out earlier so we can get icecream before the stand closes. Luckily there is a Culvers on the way home  ;o) Both of the boys just love chocolate malts!! Well Weston will eat anything...haha...Andon is our picky eater.
Weston discovered nectarines in Crivitz. This is his second one!! We ate off the skin and he ate the entire nectarine. He sure loves his fruit. He should be a spokesbaby for huggies with what he does to them!! (7/11)
Andon having fun with the fishing bait in Crivitz (Pestigo River) (7/2011)
The boys waiting for the 4th of the July parade to start. Andon was a little tuckered out from the fireworks the night before. He's one kid that definatly doesn't like missing naps.

Monday, July 18, 2011

We just got back from a week upnorth in Crivitz. We had a fun time. Andon caught a northern (about 20 inches) and we found out Weston loves radishes. That boy will eat anything (except scrambled eggs)!! I will upload the pics in the next few days.
We also had a great time at the fireworks for the 4th and both boys made it up all night. . We went to a parade on the 4th.We are trying to stay cool this week by swimming. Both of the boys are sure water bugs. Andon loves to wear his sponge bob goggles and dive for dive sticks. Wes outgrew his baby boat already. Little chunky monkey ;o)